Celestin Apprentice 7
Clean 1.2.4
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Object-oriented Parallel Information Computing System (1989-1990)).
- Esprit II (TIP-M project area II.3.2, Tropics: TRansparent
- Esprit Parallel Computing Action (project 4106, (1990-1991));
- Esprit Basic Research Action (SemaGraph II working group 3646
and Pragmatics of Graph Rewriting (1989-1991));
- Esprit Basic Research Action (project 3074, SemaGraph: the Semantics
Machine project (1984-1987)) who initiated the Concurrent Clean
- the Dutch Ministry of Science and Education (the Parallel Reduction
- Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratories, Japan;
- Kropman B.V., Installation Techniques, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- the International Academic Centre for Informatics (IACI);
- the Dutch Foundation for Scientific Research (NWO);
- the Dutch Foundation for Applied Technical Sciences (STW);
Many thanks to the following sponsors:
all the Clean users who helped us to get a better system.
Hartel, Hans Koetsier, Pieter Koopman, Ken McDonald, Ronan Sleep and
Christ Aarts, Steffen van Bakel, Erik Barendsen, Henk Barendregt, Pieter
Special thanks to the following people:
under the supervision of Rinus Plasmeijer.
languages, Computing Science Institute, at the University of Nijmegen
research performed by the research group on functional programming
Concurrent Clean and the Concurrent Clean System are a spin-off of the
• Rinus Plasmeijer: Overall design and implementation supervision.
• Rinus Plasmeijer & Marko van Eekelen: Clean language design.
• Robert Holwerda: I/O library support for Windows '95
• Ron Wichers Schreur: Program Development System. Parser, Support
typing and type classes),
• Sjaak Smetsers: Clean compiler, All type systems (including niqueness
• Leon Pillich: I/O library support for the Sun.
support for OS2.
• Eric Nöcker: Strictness analyser via abstract reduction, I/O library
• Marko Kesseler: Parallel code generator (ParSyTec (Transputer)).
• Martin van Hintum: Program Development System (Clean version).
PowerPC), PC (Intel), Sun (Sparc)), Low level interfaces, all machine
• John van Groningen: Clean compiler, Code generators (Mac (Motorola,
for the Mac.
• Peter Achten, Sequential and distributed Event I/O, I/O library support
The Concurrent Clean System is developed by:
ñ12. Authors & Credits